“Compass Regional Hospice offers support groups tailored toward those who are suffering the loss of a
loved one after addiction and overdose,” Guerieri said. “This support group is offered to anyone,
regardless of whether or not they have been served by Compass. We are honored to offer this support
to the communities and patients we serve in Queen Anne’s, Kent and Caroline counties, and we never
turn anyone away from these groups based on an inability to pay; they are open to everyone.”
At a recent staff meeting, Compass Regional Hospice’s staff was provided with purple ribbons, which
they will wear on their staff badges to encourage conversation with other staff, volunteers, patients and the communities they proudly serve. Additionally, Compass Regional Hospice’s Centreville
administrative office will light up purple during the month of September to show solidarity with the
Queen Anne’s, Kent and Caroline County initiatives.
As part of Compass Regional Hospice’s partnership with Caroline Goes Purple, representatives from the
organization will be attending two free screenings of the film “If Only,” which chronicles a teen’s
pathway to addiction, and also will be providing grief counselors during the events.
The first screening will take place at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24, at North Caroline High School and the second screening is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, at Colonel Richardson High School. The events also will include free raffles, a resource fair and an ice cream social.
To learn more about other grief support programs and services available through Compass Regional
Hospice, contact Rhonda Knotts at 443-262-4109 or rknotts@compassregionalhospice.org.
For more information on how you can become involved in Going Purple initiatives in Queen Anne’s, Kent
and Caroline County, visit qacgoespurple.org for Queen Anne’s County; kentgoespurple.org for Kent County; or contact Jennifer Farina at purple@drugfreecaroline.org or 410-479-0660 for Caroline County.
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~ Compass Regional Hospice – Care on your terms
Compass Regional Hospice is a fully licensed, independent, community-based nonprofit organization
certified by Medicare and the state of Maryland and accredited by the Joint Commission. Since 1985,
Compass Regional Hospice has been dedicated to supporting people of all ages through the challenge of
living with a life-limiting illness and learning to live following the death of a loved one. Today, the organization is a regional provider of hospice care and grief support in Queen Anne’s, Kent and Caroline counties. “Care on your terms” is the promise that guides staff and volunteers as they care for patients in private residences, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and the residential hospice centers in Centreville and Chestertown. Grief support services are offered to children, adults and families of patients who died under hospice care, as well as members of the community who are grieving the loss of a loved one, through The Hope and Healing Center. For more information about Compass Regional Hospice, visit compassregionalhospice.org.
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