The Town of Chestertown has approved the minutes of their October 1, 2018 Meeting:
Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2018
OCTOBER 1, 2018
Mayor Cerino called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers David Foster, Linda C. Kuiper, Ellsworth Tolliver and Mauritz Stetson, W. S. Ingersoll (Town Manager), Jennifer Mulligan (Town Clerk) and guests.
Mayor Cerino asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Mayor and Council Meeting of September 17, 2018. Mr. Stetson moved to approve the minutes of the Mayor and Council meeting of September 17, 2018, was seconded by Rev. Tolliver and carried unanimously.
Mayor Cerino stated that total operating cash on hand for unrestricted use is $630,656.76. Restricted funds for the Marina project totaled $136,503.53.
Mayor Cerino asked for a motion to pay bills. Mr. Stetson moved to approve payment of the bills as submitted, was seconded by Rev. Tolliver and carried unanimously.
Mayor Cerino called Mr. Peter Rice forward, noting that he had submitted a concept proposal for a dock along the river at Wilmer Park. Drawings of the proposed dock were passed to the Council. He said the dock could be over the water at the bulkhead or on land running with the bulkhead. Mr. Rice stated that it would be nice to have a fishing pier that went out into the water.
Mr. Stetson asked if Mr. Rice had looked into costs for the project. Mr. Rice stated that he had not researched costs but thought that people would donate as they seemed excited about the concept on social media. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the project as described would likely be grant eligible through DNR Waterway Improvement Grants. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the area in question should be dredged again before anything was built out over the river.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that when the Town was through with the last of the grants for the Marina, but this could be the next grant filed. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the Mayor had a similar idea for decking inside the bulkhead that would cover the sunken area and make it more pleasant to approach the water. Mayor Cerino stated that there have been frequent tidal over washes that have washed out the fast ground and left a dip in the existing boardwalk. Mayor Cerino stated that costs and permitting would be significantly less if the deck was built on land. Ms. Kuiper stated that the area was part of the John Smith Water Trail and there may be available for grants for historic trails.
Mr. Ingersoll showed photos of the plaza under construction with pavers at the Marina. He said that the pavers go down on what looks like honeycomb, which allows storm water to pass under the brick and exit, creating a unique stormwater application. He said that the pavers can be engraved for donors in the near future.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that there was a heavy flood tide last week that popped the heavy bronze Town seal that covered the C300 time capsule. He said that the bronze town seal either washed away or was taken and contents of the time capsule were soaked. Mr. Ingersoll stated that he was drying out what was found but was going to get in touch with the C300 as it appeared to be ruined.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that he had a permit request from the Lions Club for the Annual Halloween Parade to be held on Saturday, October 27th at 10 a.m. with a rain date of Sunday, October 28th at 3 p.m. Ms. Kuiper stated that the Council has been asked to judge the parade. Ms. Kuiper moved to approve the permit for the Lions Club Annual Halloween Parade as submitted, was seconded by Rev. Tolliver and carried unanimously.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that he had a permit request from the Kent County Health Department for their 4th Annual Hall-O-Teen community event on Friday, October 19th in the Wilmer from 2 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. The Council agreed to the permit request.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that Hope Fellowship Church submitted a permit request for a live nativity at Fountain Park on Friday, December 7th. Ms. Kuiper moved to approve the permit for a live nativity by Hope Fellowship Church at Fountain Park on December 2nd and was seconded by Mr. Foster. Rev. Tolliver voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Stetson stated that he was in favor with reservations because this may open the park up for all religions.
Mayor Cerino stated that he agreed with Mr. Stetson as it was a fine line between Church and State and he had reservations about the approval. Ms. MacIntosh stated that the church went through the DCA for permission to use the park on the First Friday in December and that Dickens of a Christmas was working along with them to make sure that there was nothing loud happening during the time the animals were in the park.
Ms. MacIntosh stated that she did not think religious materials would be disseminated at the event. Mr. Stetson stated that was concerned that the nativity may go against the separation of church and state in a public park. Mayor Cerino asked for follow up from the church to make sure that this event would be impartial.
Mayor Cerino stated that he thought it would be a nice event but he did not want to give the impression that a government entity was saying that they backed any one particular religion or denomination.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that he had a permit request from PFLAG Mid Shore Chapter to use Fountain Park on Saturday, May 4th from noon to 6 p.m. to hold a family-friendly communitywide PRIDE event. There will be a main stage with entertainment, speakers and group participation under a large tent with approximately 100 chairs available for lawn seating. Requests were made for the stage, chairs, permission for food trucks, and trash pick-up. The PRIDE event will start at 1 p.m. with extra time for setup and cleanup. Extra police patrol was requested and parking areas for vendors on Cross Street.
Mayor Cerino asked the tent size for the event. Mr. Ingersoll stated that was not part of the information provided but he would need that since they wanted to install the tent the evening before as it changed what happened in the park on Saturday mornings.
Mayor Cerino stated that he would like to find out additional information before the permit request was approved. Mr. Ingersoll stated that he would get in touch with the event coordinator and return to the Council.
Mr. Stetson stated that at some point there would have to be a fee imposed for use of the stage and town personnel. Mr. Ingersoll agreed stating that all the events not directly related to the Town should be charged fees. He said that he was looking into whether stages were available to rent through the tent rental companies.
Rev. Tolliver stated that if the Council was going to deliberate a nativity scene, they should also deliberate groups functions in the park that express views some people may not believe in.
Mr. Ingersoll stated that he wanted to apologize about the trash situation. He said that the Town’s contractor had both vehicles off the road and there was a replacement trash service from Easton called in to backup Mr. Henry while the trucks were being repaired. So far two (2) trash nights had been missed. Mr. Ingersoll stated that this has never happened in Town and Mr. Henry was trying to keep a business going that his father started. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the back-up trash company had a personal emergency and returned Sunday night but too late to help with the Sunday pickup.
Mayor Cerino stated that he had a request from the Democratic Committee to allow a small donkey at First Friday on High Street in front of their offices. The Council agreed to the request.
Mayor Cerino asked for ward reports.
Mr. Foster stated that everything was running smoothly in Ward 1.
Ms. Kuiper stated that this weekend was the HP Festival. The 48th Annual Historic House Tour would also be held this Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at the Bordley Center. Ghost Walks begin this Saturday evening and will be held each Saturday in October from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at the Bordley Center.
Ms. Kuiper stated that she will be attending the MAACO staff retreat coming to Chestertown on Tuesday, October 9th.
Ms. Kuiper asked about the management of the Marina once it was complete. Mr. Ingersoll stated that he met with a company that manages marinas all over the state but they had submitted a proposal to date.
Mr. Foster asked if the Chester River Association was set to move into the Interpretive Center office on Water Street. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the Chester River Association was already fitting out the interior of the office space.
Rev. Tolliver stated that he wanted to thank Bishop Ronald Fisher and his church members for their participation in a street cleanup on Calvert Street. He said that the church also held a mock funeral as part of Kent County Goes Purple.
Rev. Tolliver stated that Saturday, October 13th the “Raise Your Voice and Vote Candidate Forum” will take place at Bethel Church in Chestertown from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Mr. Stetson stated that on September 22nd, he attended the ribbon cutting for the new boathouse and said it was a first class building. He said that he attended the Waterfront Festival the same day and saw the Cardboard Boat Race which is always a fun time.
Mr. Stetson stated that he attended the ESAM dinner on Tuesday, September 25th at the Fish Whistle. He said that the SHA was to give a report on the bay bridge crossing, but all they said was that they were studying it. Anyone interested in the study could find it at
Mr. Stetson stated that children are playing on the playground equipment at Bailey Park and he even received some compliments about it. Mr. Stetson stated that he was still waiting on the dog exercise equipment to be built for the Dog Park.
Mayor Cerino stated that he did have a request for a donation from Homeports for the Annual Health and Wellness Expo on October 20th at Kent County High School from 8 a.m. to noon. He said that in past years the Town was a “Bronze Level” sponsor for $250.00. Mr. Ingersoll stated that he thought the money was already set aside in the budget for the Homeports donation. Mayor Cerino stated that at 12:30 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria, there will be a forum for the candidates for Kent County Commissioners, specifically discussing aging in Kent County.
Ms. MacIntosh stated that she wanted to acknowledge Washington College’s representative at the meeting this evening. Ms. Susie Chase was the Vice-President of Advancement.
Mr. Don Sparks, owner of “We’re Talking Trash” stated that he operated a trash service just outside of Chestertown and asked why local haulers weren’t considered for backup trash service. Mr. Ingersoll stated that the hauler from Easton had been interested in the total contract when Mr. Wallace Henry, Sr. passed away and was aware that Wallace Henry Jr.’s equipment was off the road. Mr. Ingersoll asked if Mr. Sparks would leave his contact information for future reference.
Ms. Kuiper stated that the SHA was going to present at the Kent County Commissioners Meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
There being no further business and no other questions or comments from the audience, Rev. Tolliver moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m., was seconded by Mr. Foster and carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Jennifer Mulligan Chris Cerino
Town Clerk Mayor
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