The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy has a series “This is Why I Preserve”, that gives their staff, board members, volunteers, donors and supporters the opportunity to share why they became interested in preservation on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
From the ESLC:
The next story is from Pat Langenfelder. You may recognize the name from the delicious Langenfelder Pork that is raised, processed, and distributed by her family in Kent County, Maryland. Farmers and producers, like the Langenfelders, play a critical role in our local food systems and we should support them however possible. That said, give Pat’s story a read and buy local for your next meal!
She opens her story by saying:
My family and I relocated to the Eastern Shore in 1988, bringing with us our entire farming operation – lock, stock and barrel – an undertaking that took months to complete. We left an area that was at one time a thriving rural farm community, which was quickly becoming an elite suburbia. Needless to say, there was no room for expansion should any of our children decide to farm with us, so we moved to Kent County and never looked back.
We were attracted by the large expanses of productive farmland, the well-defined towns and villages, and the zoning ordinances that encouraged and protected agriculture. In the ensuing years as we were able to expand, our three children have taken over the reins of the farm, and now their children are continuing the family’s legacy as seventh generation farmers.
Read the rest at:
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