Kent Center is pleased to announce the addition of another residential home in our community. Kent Center is the primary provider of daytime habilitation, employment services, and community living in Kent and Northern Queen Anne’s Counties for more than 80 adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. The addition of this home in College Heights takes KCI to a total of 14 residences operated throughout their service area.
Community Living services allow persons supported by the program to live in their community of choice, with other individuals who have a disability, with the support of trained staff. Residential arrangements are based primarily on the complexity and level of services required by the individual. Kent Center strives to support all individuals in leading independent lives as part of the community.
“Every adult deserves the right to make choices for themselves about where they live, and who they live with,” Teresa Davis, Residential Manager for Kent Center commented, “having many options and the flexibility to change and grow with the people we support is something that makes us feel so fortunate to be in this community.”
The Rodney House will be home to three young women who live and work and in Chestertown. Named for the late Gwen Rodney, a nurse employed with Kent Center who passed in early 2019. Gwen was known throughout the company as an advocate for disability services, and a compassionate nursing professional. As someone who put in many long hours as a teacher and mentor for her colleagues, as well as persons supported through programming, it was a unanimous decision to name the new residence after her.
“Gwen will be remembered for her dedication to Kent Center and her devotion to our individuals. She was a person who always put others’ needs ahead of her own.” Melissa Owen, Kent Center Office Manager remembered. Before Rodney was employed by the company in 2011, she was an advocate for disability awareness in her role at the Kent County Health Department. Rodney first became involved with Kent Center as a volunteer when it was located in Betterton, and known as Angel’s Haven.
In addition to touching the lives of the individuals served, Kent Center also impacts the families through programs and community connection opportunities. Family members are able to create support network of friends and engage with staff to provide a safe and nurturing environment where our individuals can flourish. Learn more about Kent Center by calling 410-778-7303 or visiting them online at
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