From Mayor Dawn Jacobs
First and foremost, I hope this message finds you all safe and well.
Last night the Mayor and Council held a Special Workshop meeting to update everyone on the status of the COVID-19 challenge we are dealing with, and to discuss the ramifications of the restrictions that the Governor lifted on Tuesday. A page has been turned in our story – a new chapter is beginning.
Up until now, the objective of all of the restrictions was to slow the rate of the virus’s infections in order to save lives and also buy time to ramp up the testing, tracing, medical equipment and facilities needed to respond to it. Daily statistics on the rate of positive test results and hospitalizations have been the basis for judging the status of the virus’s progression at the state level. Based on what appeared to have been an eight day flattening of the level of hospitalizations, the Governor decided to lift some restrictions. The State of Emergency is still in place as is the Stay-At-Home Order, required social distancing, the gathering limit maximum of 10 people, and the required use of face masks inside all public buildings and commercial businesses that are open to the public.
Recreational boating is now allowed and marinas, golf courses, tennis courts, beaches and campground facilities can be open. As a result, Rock Hall will see visitor traffic begin to increase.
In addition, although Statewide statistics appear to be heading in the right direction, Kent County is still in the eye of the virus storm. Outbreaks in the nursing homes in Chestertown are still being dealt with, but serious outbreaks of infections are now in the poultry, agriculture and mushroom processing businesses that surround Galena and Warwick, just across the northern Kent County line. Just under 400 laborers are employed in these operations and testing and tracing activities by federal, state and county authorities has just started.
Combining the above factors now puts both residents and visitors to Rock Hall in a higher risk situation than what was understood just a couple of weeks ago. The high density of elderly in our community adds to the seriousness of our circumstances.
So, what this means is that it is now EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US seriously understands that PERSONAL SAFTEY will be a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you are elderly or have health issues, stay home. If you go out, strictly follow the face mask and social distancing guidelines. Your actions will be your primary defense against the virus going forward.
Lifting restrictions on Rock Hall’s beach, community center and playgrounds falls to the Town Council as these are Town properties. Last night the Mayor and Council decided to allow the Community Center and its tennis courts to be open for exercise. The pavilion, public rest rooms and all playground equipment will remain closed for social distancing and sanitation reasons. The beach will remain closed until the Council meets again next Thursday to re-consider its opening – social distancing is a concern given the small size of the beach and its popularity.
It was also decided that plans to hold our traditional July 4th parade and community center activities should be canceled. As an alternative there was strong support for a major Recovery Celebration event that could include a parade and fireworks once we reach the point where that is possible to do.
Restriction decisions are moving quickly at the State level and as a result the timing of the implementation of the State’s Recovery Plan phases is unknown. What has happened already is parts of what was planned to be implemented in both the first and second phases.
We all just have to hang in there. Try to keep the anxiety that stems from confusion and the unknowns down and try to focus on being Rock Hall reasonable. Your fantastic support of what has been asked of you so far continues to be greatly appreciated by so many – the County Health Department mentioned it in a call with me the other day. Let’s keep up the good work.
Protect yourself, help others stay safe. Respect each other. We are ALL going to come out of the other side of this stronger and wiser – and certainly ready to have fun again!!
As one of the Rock Hall signs: Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. Rock Hall Strong!
Stay Calm, be Patient and continue Caring for each other.
God Bless Everyone!
Dawn Jacobs
Mayor, Town of Rock Hall
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Good message! Lots of useful information. Suggest posting on Rock Hall Life FB to inform the masses.
Dawn Jacobs and Andrew Cuomo would make a great team, even a great ticket.
From NYC thinking of all my Rock Hall friends.
(I may have posted this earlier, but thought it got lost, just west of Watermans)
Now that’s funny. You cant be serious!