The Mayor and Council held another special conference call meeting yesterday at noon to consider once again whether to open Ferry Park Beach.
After much discussion, it was decided that the beach should be opened as soon as signs regarding restrictions and use of the beach can be installed. It is anticipated that will be in time for the holiday weekend.
The small size of the beach and the its big attraction continue to raise concerns on the Town’s ability to adequately enforce social distancing and group size restrictions. The bay’s water quality has been tested; results are expected back shortly. But we are moving forward!
The success of this decision, and the town’s willingness to keep the beach open, will depend on everyone’s willingness to use the beach within the current guidelines. The signage that will be going up is below. The purpose for using the beach is limited to outdoor exercise as stipulated in the Governor’s Executive Order on May 6th 2020. Walking, jogging, running, and swimming will be permitted, however chairs, beach blankets and picnics will not be allowed.
Social distancing of 6 feet and the limited group size of no more than 10 remain in effect.
Last weekend there were many visitors in town and with this coming holiday weekend we are likely to see even more. EVERYONE – visitor and resident alike – must continue to be personally responsible for their own protection from the virus – wear a face mask when inside public places, social distance yourself 6 feet from others, wash your hands frequently and stay safe at home, especially if you are elderly or have health concerns.
All the Town’s eating establishments are anxious to have the restrictions on outside dining lifted and there is tremendous pressure being put on the Governor to do so for this weekend. Unfortunately, he has yet to make that decision which will leave our restaurants seriously challenged to meet the needs of our visitors via only take out and curb side service. Please help them out by calling your order in ahead of time and leaving their premises after you have picked it up.
Your continued patience is very much appreciated.
These are continue to be contagious times. This virus is selectively deadly. Please choose to be safe.
“Hurricane COVID-19” WILL pass!
God Bless Everyone
Editor’s Note:
These restrictions are very similar to the ones that have been put in place for the County’s Beach at Betterton.
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