EASTON, MD – While we might be planning to resume some aspects of our lives this coming week as the Governor’s stay-at-home order is lifted, there is an insidious crisis brewing in our communities. The isolation created by COVID-19 has created the perfect storm in mental health – growing desperation has increased suicide rates and the recurrence of substance use disorders in our communities. While the reasons are complex, each of us can play a part in the solutions.
For the last five years, For All Seasons counselors have been seeing clients at the Tilghman United Methodist Church through a program called “Healthy Tilghman.” The program provides healthy mind, body, and spirit outreach in the Tilghman community focusing on a peer support network in the community, as well as counseling and community education. Michael Flaherty, Ph.D., a psychologist who practices in Pennsylvania and has national expertise in addiction and mental health issues, helped found “Healthy Tilghman” and knows his community and the difficulties it is facing. He comments, “Under the stress of confinement, the world becomes smaller and small things become big things, and sensitivity becomes higher. This can mean that small environments can make people act out in greater ways.”
Flaherty adds, “Nationally, there has been a 7 to 10 percent increase in recurrences of substance use disorders since COVID-19. While there have not been any overdose deaths yet in Talbot County, there have been overdoses. Statistics show that 20 percent of overdose deaths are suicide-related. With fragile people, it is going to happen. We need a higher degree of patience and understanding during this time.”
To date, Healthy Tilghman has had great success reaching the Bay Hundred community to provide support for mental health issues and addiction. Community volunteers have been the eyes and ears of the community, connecting people to necessary resources, and people are using telehealth services more and more to receive therapy and support.
“Although we are making strides, people are still experiencing anxiety and depression during this crisis and using substances for coping. Some of the reoccurrences of the illness are because of confinement and not having support. People are finding it hard to cope,” Flaherty comments, adding, “A lot of people didn’t realize they had such a dependency on substances and are finding that their dependency is greater during this time.”
Flaherty says that some signs and symptoms of someone contemplating suicide, may include making plans to commit suicide by giving things away or finalizing a will; becoming increasingly withdrawn; experiencing increasing despair and a sense of hopelessness; sleep disorders and mood swings; and a recurrence of substance abuse with drinking and drugging. Family members are often the first-line responders in these situations. Connecting people to family peer support specialists or peer support specialists can make the real difference in someone getting the help they need.
Valerie Albee, founder of Mariah’s Mission, and a family peer support specialist in Easton has been on the frontline helping families cope with the challenges of substance use disorder both virtually and in-person while social distancing. She comments, “These are trying times for many. I offer as much hope as I can for people, but it is a complicated issue and there is difficulty right now getting people timely treatment.”
She explains that while there is now a proliferation of online 12-Step meetings through virtual technology, the isolation created by COVID-19 has affected families with addictions and mental health challenges. Stress, fear, joblessness, and other factors have contributed to increases in relapses both fatal and non-fatal. She states, “These individuals and their families are not strong enough to deal with this crisis by themselves, and they have immediate needs. Managing household resources and maintaining the quality of life for a loved one suffering from a substance use or mental health disorder is very challenging.”
Both Flaherty and Albee agree that individual and Family Peer Support Specialists can be vital in assisting people in crisis. Family Support Specialists like Albee have had training and lived through personal experience dealing with a loved one in crisis. Peer Support Specialists have personally lived with substance use challenges and found recovery.
Flaherty says that the question to pose to the person in crisis is, “What will it take to get you to connect to services?” He states that people should keep encouraging a family member/friend to make the call to receive help, and if the person is unable to care for themselves, they should call one of the crisis hotlines on behalf of the person. Their personal experience, along with extensive training can provide vital help.
Beth Anne Langrell, CEO of For All Seasons Behavioral Health and Rape Crisis Center, adds, “We want family members and friends to know that they don’t have to solve the problem, but they can help connect people to community resources. For All Seasons is expanding its messaging around suicide during Mental Health Awareness Month. By following the steps: Ask how a friend is doing, Listen to what they have to say, and Share that you care about them and you know where to find help, family members and friends can be the crucial first step to getting help.”
She adds, “The mental health community has strengthened the delivery of services and is improving access to information, which is having a positive impact through this crisis. The list we have compiled of resources can be a lifesaver when faced with any of these crises.”
For All Seasons provides therapy, advocacy, psychiatry, and education to Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, and Talbot counties. The agency accepts all private insurances, medical assistance, and supports English and Spanish speaking individuals regardless of one’s ability to pay. For All Seasons 24-Hour, confidential crisis hotlines are 410.820.5600 for English Hotline and 410.829.6143 for Spanish Hotline. Text available in English or Spanish at 410.829.6143.
List of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Resources
Mid Shore Behavioral Health
Eastern Shore Crisis Response Services
Life Crisis Hotline 410-749-4357
Corsica River Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
410-745-8028 or 410-758-2211
Eastern Shore Psychological Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Shore Behavioral Health at UMM Shore Regional Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
410-822-1000 x5452
Maryland Coalition of Families
Mid Shore Intergroup (For Zoom meetings)
East of the Bay NA
Al-Anon Eastern Shore
SAMHSA’s National Helpline
1-800-662-HELP (4357)
24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service
English / Spanish
Chesapeake Treatment Services
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Mid Shore Opioid Misuse Prevention Program (OMPP)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Chat online 24/7
Maryland Crisis Hotline (211)
Dial 2-1-1, option 1
Text to 898211
Chat online 24/7
The Trevor Project (LGBTQ crisis services)
Text START to 678678
Chat online 24/7
National Crisis Textline
Text HOME to 741741
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Maryland Chapter
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
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~For All Seasons
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