Kent County LMB,
Kent County is fortunate to have so many programs to assist those in need. There are many that donate resources in order to provide services to a broad range of residents, especially during these difficult times. There are five food pantries in Kent County and one in Ridgely, all of which provide services to the residents of Kent County.
Below is information on each of these six pantries so that residents will learn about which programs can best meet their needs and how to access them. Also descriptions should reassure those in need that these environments are safe. Contact information is provided for those who have questions.
Kent County Community Pantry
Mill Street near the corner of Mill and High St; 410-778-0550;
Contact: Sue Caswell
Hours of Operation: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-noon; second
Wednesday of month, 10-noon
Eligibility: During COVID-19 Serving all who come.
Regular criteria:
Must be resident of Kent County and meet income qualifications.
Clients are referred through the Dept of Social Services.
May also be referred by clergy, individuals and organizations such as the
Good Neighbor Fund and the Good Samaritan Group. The Pantry has the
discretion to enter clients into the program.
Safe Environment: Curb-side distribution; food placed on a cart on
the sidewalk while clients wait in cars and then they retrieve the food.
Seventh Day Adventist Church
305 n. Kent Street; 443-988-3886
Contact: Jessie Stant
Hours of Operation: Tuesdays, 10:00 to noon
Eligibility: Md resident and in need of assistance
Safe Environment: volunteers wear masks and gloves; all areas are sanitized. Bags of groceries are distributed through a walk-up window. As clients register they must line up 6’ apart.
Millington-Crumpton Food Pantry;
housed at Asbury United Methodist Church
392 Cypress Street; 443-480-0053
Contact: Faye Everett
Hours of Operation: Regular pantry hours are Mondays, 9-noon
(Also Commodity Supplemental Food Pantry for those over 60;
Mobile Pantry 7-10 times/year; Thanksgiving boxes.)
Next Mobile Pantry scheduled for May 19.
Eligibility for Food Pantry: Md resident on some type of assistance such as
medical or fuel assistance
Commodity Supplemental Food Pantry – currently at capacity
Mobile Pantry – Md resident with photo ID
Safe Environment: Clients must stay in cars; all volunteers wear masks and
gloves and maintain social distancing
St. Martin’s Ministries
14374 Benedictine Lane, Ridgley (The barn) 410-634-2537 ext. 111
Contact: Odette Boyce-Galvez
Hours of Operation: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30-11:30am;
Wednesday, 6-7:30pm
Eligibility for Food Pantry: Anyone who needs food is eligible
Safe Environment: Following CDC guidelines; curbside pick-up while clients are asked to stay in vehicles.
Rock Hall Community Food Pantry
Rock Hall Civic Center 410-639-2351
Contact: Sue Becker
Hours of Operation: First and third Saturdays of the month thru the
the summer; 10-noon
Eligibility for Food Pantry: resident of S. Kent County including Rock
Hall and South of Fairlee
Safe Environment: All volunteers wear masks; distribution is outside.
Mount Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church
24840 Lambs Meadow Road; 410-778-3328;
Contact: Rev. Mary Walker
Hours of Operation: Third Friday of the month, 1-3pm
Eligibility: referral from Md Food Bank
Safe Environment: Volunteers wear face masks; follow all CDC guidelines
While getting the word out to those in need of our area’s food pantries, it is equally important to let community members know how they can contribute to their success. See below the many ways that you can help. Contact information is provided for those who have questions.
Kent County Community Food Pantry
Mill St near the corner of Mill and High St; 410-778-0550;
Contact: Sue Caswell
Hours of Operation: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-noon
Second Wednesday of month, 10-noon
Financial Donations: Donations may be made on our website
Make checks payable to Community Food Pantry; Mail to
PO Box 346, Chestertown, Md 21620
In-kind Donations: Drop off during hours of operation
Volunteers: Can use help with transporting and unloading;
Contact Sue Caswell
Chestertown Seventh Day Adventist Church Food Pantry
305 N. Kent Street 443-988-3886
Contact: Jessie Stant
Hours of Operation: Tuesdays, 10:00 to noon
Financial Donations: Make checks payable to SDA Church Food Pantry;
Mail to Jessie Stant, 503 Flat Iron Square Road, Church Hill, Md 21623
In-kind donations: any non-perishable items esp spaghetti and sauce, cereal
Immediate need Clorox wipes
Black drop-off box located outside of pantry on N. Kent St. during hours
of operation
Volunteers: Contact
Millington-Crumpton Food Pantry;
housed at Asbury United Methodist Church
392 Cypress Street; 443-480-0053
Contact: Faye Everett
Hours of Operation: Mondays, 9-noon
Financial Donations: Make checks payable to Millington-Crumpton Food
Pantry; Mail to PO Box 187, Millington, Md 21651
In-kind Donations: Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
shaving needs; Drop off items at Asbury UMC, 392 Cypress
St. Millington; Tuesday-Thursday, 9-11
Volunteers: Need for those who can lift up to 50 lbs;
Volunteers needed on May 19 for Mobile Food Pantry to pre-package
food items to be put into clients’ cars; location at former Millington
Elementary School; Contact Faye Everett at 443-480-0053
St. Martin’s Ministries
14374 Benedictine Lane 410-634-2537 ext. 111
Contact: Odette Boyce-Galvez
Hours of Operation: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30-11:30am,
Wednesday, 6-7:30pm
Financial Donations: Donations needed immediately due to increased
demand; on-line donations – go to then click
on get involved and donate now.
Make checks payable to St. Martin’s Ministries, Mail to PO Box 996
14374 Benedictine Lane, Ridgley, Md 21660
In-kind Donations: Immediate need for diapers, gloves, hand sanitizers,
wipes, toilet paper, all cleaning products, face masks; Contact Odette
Boyce-Galvez to arrange for delivery
Volunteers: Due to social distancing guidelines we are not working with
volunteers at this time.
Rock Hall_____________________________________________________
Rock Hall Community Food Pantry
Rock Hall Civic Center 410-639-2351
Contact: Sue Becker
Hours of Operation: First and third Saturdays of the month; 10-noon thru
the summer
Financial Donations: Make checks out to Rock Hall Food Pantry,
Mail to PO Box 166, Rock Hall, Md 21661, Attn: Sue Becker
In-kind Donations: Non perishable items; Call for appointment for drop-off
Volunteers: Currently staffed up
Mount Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church
24840 Lambs Meadow Road; 410-778-3328
Contact: Rev. Mary Walker
Hours of Operation: Third Friday of the month; 1-3pm
Financial Donations: Make checks out to Mount Olive African Methodist
Episcopal Church; write Food Pantry Donation on memo line
Mail to PO Box 77, 24840 Lambs Meadow Road, Worton, Md 21678
In-kind Donations: Food boxes, packing tape, sturdy plastic bags for
packing fruits and vegetables, re-usable shopping bags. Also need 2-3
carts on wheels on which to places boxes to move food from Life Center
to cars. Donations can be dropped off Tues or Wed on third week of the
month, noon-1pm; Call to schedule another time, if needed
Volunteers: Need help during hours of operation to pack and load food
Contact Rev. Mary Walker at 443-480-5634
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