A message from the Town Manager of Rock Hall:
The events that caused discolored water in the past three weeks has to do with an aging water line infrastructure that is sensitive fluctuations in water pressure.
I am republishing the CCR – 2019 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report “PWSID 0140006” Town of Rock Hall March, 2020. This will verify that the water is Safe by State and Federal standards.
The discolored water issue was very obvious during the past weekend’s low pressure from the well pump control failure. The other events were the use of our hydrants to fill a fire tanker which also caused a low pressure condition in the system. With that being said we have done many things to help prevent discolored water such as;
– town wide flushing on a scheduled routine
– changing the process of adding chemicals
– new meter pumps
The new Clarifier is working as a primary filtering unit to help our aging filtration system and that system will be upgraded with a new project.
The number one reason for discolored water is the aging water line on the east side of the town. These water lines are greater than 50 years old. As we create the new projects to improve the water system, replacing these lines are top priority.
We want you to know we are all having the same issue and are working to rectify the problem.
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~ Rock Hall
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