Dr. Wayne B. Powell Announced as the College’s New Interim President

Dear Washington College Community,

I invite you to join me, along with the entire Board of Visitors and Governors, senior leadership, faculty, staff, and students of Washington College, in welcoming Dr. Wayne B. Powell as the College’s new interim president.

Dr. Wayne B. Powell
Dr. Wayne B. Powell – Contributed Photo
Dr. Powell holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from Tulane University and has had a distinguished career in higher education. He served as a faculty member and more recently as an administrator over 17 years at Lenoir-Rhyne University, first as its vice president and dean for academic affairs, and then as president 2002 to 2017. Prior to his tenure at Lenoir-Rhyne University, from 1980 to 2000, Dr. Powell rose to the rank of full professor in the mathematics department, and was the dean and associate dean of the Graduate College at Oklahoma State University. More recently, Dr. Powell has served two interim deanships at Arkansas Tech University, in its colleges of Arts & Humanities and Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Dr. Powell’s selection as the College’s interim president is the result of a comprehensive search process that included representatives from among faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the board. AGB Search, a subsidiary of the Association of Governing Boards, with whom the College holds a membership, aided in our search. This collective, collaborative effort resulted in a diverse pool of candidates with strong higher education leadership credentials, which further attests to Dr. Powell’s outstanding qualifications.

During his tenure at Lenoir-Rhyne, Dr. Powell directed its transformation from a college to a university by creating the Center for Graduate Studies, revising the curriculum to better serve the needs of Lenoir- Rhyne’s students, and building strong academic programs and student services.

In addition to Dr. Powell’s academic credentials, we on the search committee noted his administrative leadership. Over his tenure at Lenoir-Rhyne, he demonstrated strong financial management by turning deficit budgets into annual positive cash flows; the capacity to successfully raise funds by growing the university’s endowment by 120 percent; and an ability to build an effective enrollment management operation that increased the size of Lenoir-Rhyne’s student body by almost 80 percent.

With their permission, I am sharing a few of the search committee members’ comments that make clear how Dr. Powell inspired their confidence:

“During the interview process, Dr. Powell discussed how disruptive the coronavirus pandemic has been and will continue to be for higher education nationally. He emphasized the need for an inclusive planning process as we continuously work to ensure Washington College’s academic programs meet the needs of and are accessible to future generations of students.” Dr. Pam Pears, Professor of French

“We were impressed with Dr. Powell’s record on addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and his commitment to this work.” Dr. James Lipchock, Associate Professor of Chemistry

“Dr. Powell’s capabilities, along with his demonstrated capacity for working with faculty and staff, offer Washington College a clear pathway to successfully navigate the current challenges the College is facing, given the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Raven Bishop, Chair, Staff Council
“During the search process, Dr. Powell’s strong commitment to the value of a liberal arts education stood out, and more specifically, his appreciation of the importance of the quality education experience Washington College provides to its students.” Elizabeth Lilly, SGA President

I hope this gives you some indication of the seriousness, thoughtfulness, and optimism members of the Washington College community brought to this process, and of their eagerness to begin working with Dr. Powell over the next three years on our shared challenges. We have much work ahead of us, but also the potential for great rewards. I am confident that in three years, at the end of Dr. Powell’s tenure, Washington College will be poised to take its rightful place in a future we have built together, one that realizes our purpose and makes us proud.
I know many of you will have the opportunity to meet Dr. Powell, whether virtually or in person, and see that our College is in very capable hands. He takes office Sept. 1.

Stephen T. Golding ‘72, Chair Board of Visitors and Governors

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