Kent County, MD Holds Public Forum to Discuss Comprehensive Rezoning and Update

Everyone is invited to participate in a public forum to learn about and have a conversation regarding Kent County’s Comprehensive Rezoning and Update (CRU) process to review the land use regulations and zoning maps that apply in the unincorporated areas of the County (not within any Town). The Department of Planning, Housing, and Zoning (DPHZ) would like to receive input from citizens on the process itself. DPHZ is interested in learning how citizens want to participate and be kept informed, as the County works to modernize and update the Land Use Ordinance and Zoning Map.

The public forum will be held virtually on Tuesday, August 18, at 6:00 p.m., during the County Commissioners’ regular meeting. The meeting agenda will be published online at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.  The agenda will include a unique call-in number, so members of the public may participate in the public forum and offer comments live. Comments may also be submitted anytime via email to

Citizens who wish only to view and listen to the meeting may do so on the Kent County livestream webpage at

All Kent County property owners recently received notice that the County has initiated the CRU along with a simple form that can be used to request text or map changes. An online form is also available on the CRU webpage: There are no application fees to request changes.

For more information on the forum or the comprehensive rezoning process, please contact Kent County DPHZ at (410) 778-7475 or by email at


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~ Kent County Commissioners


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