CHESTERTOWN, MD – In a welcome and surprising move, Santa Claus is making arrangements to chat with Kent County children via Zoom, the popular app used for online meetings, and to work with his Elves to answer letters children drop in the mailbox of his Santa cottage in Fountain Park. “I am so disappointed I can’t make my yearly trip to Chestertown,” the jolly old elf wrote in an email. “But it’s important to keep everyone healthy as we prepare for our big flight late on December 24th. I hope everyone is wearing their masks up and keeping a safe distance from non-household members the way Mrs. Claus and I are.”
The online chats will be offered two consecutive Saturdays, November 28, and December 5, dates when Santa was scheduled to be in Town for his annual parade and in-person visits with area children. To schedule a three-minute time slot for their children, parents can go to the Main Street Chestertown website: and find the link for the Santa schedule.
Santa is also encouraging children to send him letters by dropping them in the mailbox of his little cottage, which will be in its usual place on the High Street side of Fountain Park, for the season. Despite his intense workshop schedule, he enjoys getting mail from boys and girls and will make every effort to answer all letters mailed by December 12th provided the letters include a return mailing address. “Please do include that return address, as the Elves do not have time to look them up this time of year.”
Main Street Chestertown and the Downtown Chestertown Association will be expressing the letters to Santa and assisting him with the chat schedule. For questions, he asks that you email
Editor’s Note:
The annual tree lighting ceremony, usually schedule for the Friday after Thanksgiving, has been cancelled. However the lights will be on beginning on Friday.
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~ Mainstreet Chestertown
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