From the Desk of the Executive Director
Dear Patrons of Kent County Public Library System,
As we all know, Governor Hogan has lifted the state of emergency, and things are finally getting back to normal. 2020 was a year that most of us would never soon forget. 2021 didn’t start any better, but now there is light at the end of the tunnel. At the library, things aren’t quite there yet, and there is more that needs to be done at Chestertown, Rock Hall, and Galena. For this reason, we are not currently able to provide in-building services every day. I know this will be hard to hear for some of you who depend on our services daily, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
2020 was a rough year for us in the KCPL system as we lost some great members of our team to retirement, new jobs, and embarking on new paths of discovery. Although we are happy for each of them, this left us severely understaffed by almost 50% to provide service to you, the 20,000 county residents and our surrounding neighbors. I want the best to join our team and give you our patrons seamless and stress-free customer service you have encountered by our veteran team members. I am honored to lead this dynamic team of individuals as we continue to live up to KCPL’s vision – “Broaden connections. Expand knowledge. Strengthen community.”
Over the next couple of months, things will be happening here at the library behind the scenes with you in mind. I have already made changes along the way and created impactful programs like KCPL Cares (our monthly community giveaway) and implemented mobile internet hotspot for check-out (so please come in, especially if you are going on a road trip). We increased summer reading program offerings by more than 50%. Currently, we have over 500 community members, young and old, registered for the program, and the numbers keep growing!
I am new here. I am not from here or born here, but I have big ideas and grand visions that will transform our little county into the best library system in the state of Maryland. I am here to help, create, and transform the Kent County Public Library system and move it into its bright new future. And the future is bright, but we need time to make it shine! I encourage your input and engagement, so please connect with us! This is your library where everybody is somebody!
Thank you for your time. I look forward to serving you!
All the Best,
Arnessa Dowell
Executive Director of Kent County Public Library System
“The best library on the Eastern Shore and beyond!”
Additional information can be found on the Reopening page of Library’s website.
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