Town of Rock Hall Public Notice
The purpose of this public notice is to notify the citizens of the Town of Rock Hall of Ordinance Nos. 2022-03, 2022-04, and 2022-05, which were introduced by the Council during their regular monthly meeting held on November 10, 2022.
Ordinance No. 2022-03, if passed, would amend Chapter 102 (Fees) to increase certain fees and charges related to the Town’s exercise of its governmental authority, including with respect to water and sewer fees, rates, and charges.
Ordinance No. 2022-04, if passed, would amend Chapter 220 (Water), Article XVII (Water Charges) of the Code of the Town of Rock Hall to increase certain penalties assessed for delinquent payment of water charges.
Ordinance No. 2022-05, if passed, would amend Chapter 208 (Trailers) of the Code of the Town of Rock Hall to establish additional exceptions for the limited placement of certain trailers within the incorporated Town limits, subject to certain conditions, and to reclassify the penalty for violations of Chapter 208 of the Town Code.
The foregoing constitutes a fair summary of Ordinance Nos. 2022-03, 2022-04, and 2022-05 as introduced by the Council.
The Council will hold public hearings on Ordinance Nos. 2022-03, 2022-04, and 2022-05 on December 8, 2022 during their regular monthly meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. at St. John’s Catholic Church, 5621 Main Street, Rock Hall, Maryland, during which time interested citizens shall be afforded an opportunity to provide comments and ask questions regarding each of the foregoing proposed Ordinances. Individuals wishing to observe the public hearing may do so in person or online by going to the Town’s website, Individuals wishing to comment during the hearing may do so in person or by joining the public hearing online using GoToMeeting at or by calling (872) 240-3212 and entering 949-645-733 as the access code. Additional details on how to join the public hearing online using GoToMeeting are available on the Town’s website.
The Council intends to act upon Ordinance Nos. 2022-03, 2022-04, and 2022-05 on December 8, 2022 immediately following the public hearing. Written comments submitted in advance of the public hearing shall be considered provided they are delivered to the Town Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on December 8, 2022.
Copies of Ordinance Nos. 2022-03, 2022-04, and 2022-05 are available to the public on the Town’s website.
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