Everyone is invited to participate in a Community Trash/Recycle Walk on Saturday, April 22 during the 13th Annual Chestertown Earth Day Festival. Families, friends, neighbors can meet up at the Info Booth on Park Row between the hours of 9 AM and noon. Gloves and bags will be provided. Participants in the walk will receive free seeds or seedlings.
This annual event, hosted by the Town of Chestertown and running from 9 am to 1pm, features a display of electric vehicles – both car and bike, free recycling of household batteries and fluorescent bulbs – both compact and shop sized.
In addition, festival attendees can visit informational and educational exhibits, including solar energy and other alternative energy contractors, energy auditors, and conservation organizations. KidSPOT will offer a free children’s Earth Day oriented activity.
New this year- two backyard composters will be raffled off. Stop by, put your name in for a free composter and learn more about creating nutrition for your garden. There will also be composters offered for sale.
Sponsors include CreaFill, the Electric Vehicle Institute of Maryland, LaMotte Company, Maryland Environmental Services, ShoreRivers, and Urban Grid.
For more information, please call Jon at 410 708 8951 or Andy at 443 480 1987.
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