All singers are invited to join the Chester River Chorale this spring! The Chorale, under the direction of Artistic Director Alexis Ward and Assistant Director Stephanie LaMotte, is preparing “Angels,” an enchanting program that celebrates the timeless allure of angelic figures across music history, from classical to modern rock. We have a specific need for male voices! No audition is required, and music is provided.
Choral singing can enhance overall physical and social health. Singing with others often fosters happiness and a sense of well-being by reinforcing a sense of community and belonging. Singing is known to support a healthy immune system by regulating one’s heart rate, improving breathing and posture. Singing may ease symptoms of depression and reduce aspects of chronic illness.
Need more reasons to join? Jim Phelan explains, “I have always loved singing and did a lot back in high school and church. Then we moved here to the Chestertown area, and I was asked to come sing with the Chorale. That was 8 years ago, and I’m still loving it. Have you ever sung in a 90 – 100 person choir? It’s hard to describe the fun, and how much the music comes alive. We have a wide range of people singing in the group…everyone from semi-professional singers to people who can’t read music but love to sing. But you know what…it works…and we sound great.”
In addition to weekly rehearsals and seasonal concerts, chorale members have opportunities to be involved in music recordings and sing with other choirs. In October, the Chorale released video recordings of the world premiere of “Gravity,” composed byMichael Rickelton based on Wendy Mitman Clarke’s poem while in December, the Chorale joined forces with the Easton Arts Choral Society.
Whatever your reason for joining, singers can come to one or both of the first two rehearsals and see if the Chester River Chorale is a good fit for you. Once you decide to join, dues are $75 per semester (students are free).
New singers and returning members alike can pre-register by filling out the singer registration form found on the website.
Schedule: Spring Semester 2025 rehearsals start Monday, January 13th at the Presbyterian Church of Chestertown (PCC). Weekly Rehearsals are on Mondays at 6:30 pm with, at least, two spring concerts at PCC – Friday, April 11th at 7:30 pm and Saturday, April 12th at 4:00 pm.
The Chester River Chorale is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council. Support is also provided by the Kent Cultural Alliance, the Artistic Insights Fund of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, the Hedgelawn Foundation, the Rosin Creek Collaborative, the Choptank Electric Trust, and our generous sponsors, patrons, advertisers, and audiences.