CALL FOR ARTISTS – Visual/Media Arts
The Kent Cultural Alliance, in partnership with the Kent County Public Schools Fine Arts Teachers, and the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust, are seeking proposals for three (3) thirty-minute video workshops for our Visual Arts teachers, elementary, middle, and high school, to use for the Fall 2020 semester. These workshops will be done via Video to maintain the health and safety of Students, Teachers, and Artists and will be used regardless of the format of the KCPS fall semester.
Visual/Media Artist who are full time Residents of Kent County may submit a proposal for one, or all of the three grade levels. Artists will be paid an honorarium of $800 for their work, and the Kent Cultural Alliance will provide a professional videographer for the recording of the session. Session should be no longer than 30 minutes, and ideally they would be in three 10 minute sections.
The five Kent County Public School visual arts teachers will be the jury for selection. The Kent Cultural Alliance will facilitate and advise, but will not have a vote in the selection.
The winning proposal will address a theme of “Transportation” (Boats, Tractors, Cars, Trains, Planes) while demonstrating technique and best practices in watercolor or tempera as the medium.
The winning proposal would be a lesson and project focused on Public Art. Learning about local public art shows students that being an artist can be a career path and art is more than just working on assignments that a Teacher gives you. This would focus on existing pieces in Kent County such as Broad Reach in Chestertown, or the Watermens’ Memorial in Rock Hall, etc.
The winning proposal would be from an artist who will talk about their own artistic journey, creative process and artwork – how they became an artist, how they manage their time, their discipline, their discoveries, their challenges, how they developed their personal style, their goal for their artwork. The preference is for someone working in mixed media / non traditional media, stretching the students’ understanding of what art can be, and would include a virtual tour of the artist’s work space/studio.
Proposals are Due August 15, 2020 by 5 p..m. They should be in narrative form and include a jpeg or pdf attachment of two examples of the artist’s work. Decisions will be made by August 22. Artist will have until September 30 to created their video workshop.
All proposal should be send via email to During construction, our physical building is closed. For questions or more information, please reach out via the above email and we will arrange a phone conversation for follow up.
101 Spring Avenue
Chestertown, MD 21620
MAIL: 101 Spring Avenue, Chestertown, MD 21620
VOICEMAIL: 410-778-3700
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